Mr. Scrappy Dual Outlet Air Switch-Disposer

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Three-Step Approach to Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

A Three-Step Approach to Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

While there is a lot of literature causing fear in most home makers as to the increasingly polluted indoor Air quality, they are probably produced with the best of intentions for the benefit of our general health. Indeed, we cannot be more surprised to find the EPA statistics of our indoor Air quality IAQ being two to five times more polluted than that of the outdoor. There is however, a simple three step approach to enhance the IAQ, namely to identify and clean the source of bad air, and ensure a constantly cleaned environMent with an indoor air purifier.

A Three-Step Approach to Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

A Three-Step Approach to Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

A Three-Step Approach to Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

A Three-Step Approach to Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

A Three-Step Approach to Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

Pollutants that can exist in an enclosed space include allergen, bacteria, virus, mold spores, pollens, toxic smoke and oils, fumes and more. If taken lightly, we could be living in very sick buildings and homes which can literally cause major health hazards like severe allergies or chronic asthma over time. Hence it is critical that as home makers, we start paying attention to the air that we breath and learn how to keep them clean for peace of mind.

First step is to find out the source of pollutants and stamping out the emissions. Areas to look at, for instance, are your gas stoves, heat resistant insulation as well as human induced smoke, virus, fumes and pollen. In fact certain types of indoor air purifiers do emit toxic gases like ozone which are proven to be more harmful than helpful to your health.

Step two in this process is to let the air in and let them out. Yes, ventilate your space thoroughly. Open all windows and doors two times daily, once in the morning and once in the evening. Keep this simple process to a ritual and you will have fresher air in your home everyday. And always ventilate the house immediately after a paint Job, in case the toxic fumes gets to your system.

And the final and the key step to complete this process is none other than to get your home an indoor air purifier in order to continuously clean the enclosed air. Switch them on when you are not airing the house as this helps to enhance the effectiveness a great deal more. You have the option for a whole house air cleaner or a simple desktop air purifier but bear in mind that performance does vary with price differences. What you need to understand though is that peace mind and home health is priceless to say the least.

A Three-Step Approach to Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cardboard Baler - Waste Paper Baler

Cardboard Baler - Waste Paper Baler

The Cardboard baler from Sinobaler, also known as a mill size baler, is widely used in cardboard/paper waste recycling facilities, cardboard/paper manufacturing units, supermarkets, departMent stores, grocery stores, drug stores, printing facilities, and other facilities that generate massive waste cardboard/paper.

Cardboard Baler - Waste Paper Baler

Cardboard Baler - Waste Paper Baler

Cardboard Baler - Waste Paper Baler

Cardboard Baler - Waste Paper Baler

Cardboard Baler - Waste Paper Baler

Baler Applications: cartons, used corrugated cardboard (O.C.C.), paper, film, packing materials, etc.

Main Features
- Auto Chain Bale Ejector for automatically ejecting bales out of the chamber through the lifting force of the chain
- Auto Lifting Feeding Door can be automatically lifted up when the platen moves upwards, which cuts the labor cost for door opening and promotes work efficiency.
- Wide Feed Opening makes it easier and more efficient to feed big-size waste sheets

Baler Definition: Baler is a machine which uses the compressing force of hydraulic cylinder to reduce the size of various waste materials and turn them to regular shaped dense bales (in most cases, square shape). When one bale is ready, the operator can proceed to belt it with straps or steel wires for keeping the compacted status after ejecting.

Baler Benefits:

Ensuring the straps or steel wires be tightly belt allover the bales, increasing the density of waste materials so that more volumes of the waste could be loaded into containers or stored in the warehouse. Baler acts as an important assistant for companies who deal with waste materials, creating new profits to customers when reducing their transportation and storage expense for waste material manageMent.

Vertical Baler Structure:Frame part: machine body, compressing chamber, material feed door, platen, ram guide device, locking device and ejecting device.
Hydraulic part: Motor, pump, hydraulic valve, cylinder, pressure Meter, oil pipes, Filter, oil temperature level gauge, oil tank, etc.
Electric part: Air switch (Air circuit breaker), relays, contactors, operation control buttons, etc.

Cardboard Baler - Waste Paper Baler

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hot Tub Repairs

Hot Tub Repairs

Hot tub repAir is necessary irrespective of the condition of hot tub, hot pool or spa. It is important to note that regular maintenance of tubs will definitely reduce the needs for repAirs and you can save your money if something does go wrong. Another way to avoid any heavy repair is to notice a problem in the tub in its initial level. Early detection of the problem can easily eliminate the risk of losing money at a large extent.

Hot Tub Repairs

Hot Tub Repairs

Hot Tub Repairs

Hot Tub Repairs

Hot Tub Repairs

There are times when you feel the need of a hot tub repair. People can themselves do effective repairs if they possess some mechanical knowledge otherwise hiring the professional can be the best alternative.

Things need to do for Manual Hot Tub Repairs:

Choose a good quality fiberglass repair kit in case your tub develops any kinds of breaks or cracks. This easy kit can be conveniently available in most home stores or auto repair shops. However, it is important to drain the tub perfectly and clean the enTire tub surface usually consisting oils, dirt and waxes. Do not forget to give a full drying time to get the best tub for soothing bath.

Detect Problems Early To Avoid Worse:

When a hot tub is not producing any kind of sound or light, it is the time for getting hot tub repair. Check if the fuse is on the line or not. Newly installed units will probably have a breaker. In case the breaker is not flipped to the off position, chances are that you may need to check the input wiring and the high limit switch.

If the Blower of the hot tub is not responding properly, you may need to check the Blower motor or the Blower air switch thoroughly. It is very important to take in notice that in tubs electricity is installed very near to the water which may pose a serious danger if done inaccurately.

Hot Tub Repairs

Friday, August 10, 2012

Best Way To Jump Higher - 3 Of The Best Exercises To Increase Your Vertical

Best Way To Jump Higher - 3 Of The Best Exercises To Increase Your Vertical

Looking for the best way to jump higher? As most of you know the best way to jump higher, well the only way to jump higher unless you know magic or something is to workout, exercises and train the muscles that you use for jumping the most.

Best Way To Jump Higher - 3 Of The Best Exercises To Increase Your Vertical

Best Way To Jump Higher - 3 Of The Best Exercises To Increase Your Vertical

Best Way To Jump Higher - 3 Of The Best Exercises To Increase Your Vertical

Best Way To Jump Higher - 3 Of The Best Exercises To Increase Your Vertical

Best Way To Jump Higher - 3 Of The Best Exercises To Increase Your Vertical

You are going to want to use the best exercises to jump higher that will target and build your legs and some of your upper body muscles. Your enTire body needs to be trained for vertical explosion. Vertical explosion is your strength plus quickness ability to get your body off of the ground. Their are muscles in your legs that need to be tweaked and worked called Fast twitch that work this aspect of your vertical leap.

Thankfully I have some exercises and a schedule for you to follow that you can start using today that will work these muscles and get you well on your way to increase your vertical leap. Okay now lets get to the best way to jump higher exercises. The following best way to jump higher exercises should be done on:

* Monday - Wednesday - Friday

* Tuesday and Thursday should be used for rest and light basketball.

Before doing any of these exercises remember to always STRETCH and WARM UP.

EXERCISE 1: STEP UPS Steps up will build and tone your muscles and provide you with the explosiveness that is need when playing basketball.

1. Stand in front of a sturdy chAir, bench, or anything that you can place your right leg on.

2. Thrust yourself into the Air as high as possible using only your right leg.

3. While in mid air switch legs and land with your left leg on the chair.

4. Now thrust yourself back into the air with the left leg.

5. After each leg is done that is 1 rep. Do 25 reps in 3 sets.

EXERCISES 2: BURNOUTS Burnouts will provide you with the amazing improveMent that you are looking for as well it will help with your acceleration.

1. Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and your arms at your side.

2. Raise yourself up onto the balls of your feet.

3. Jump into the air 3 or 4 inches.

4. After landing jump right back into the air keeping it continuous while staying on the tips of your toes.

5. Each jump is 1 rep. Do 30 reps each set.

EXERCISE 3: SQUAT HOPS Squat hops will develop the explosive jumping ability that you need when jumping off of 2 legs.

1. Squat down into a low squat position.

2. While staying in the squat position raise up onto your tip toes as high as possible.

3. Jump 2 to 3 inches into the air while staying in the squat position.

4. Keep your jumping continuous.

5. On your last rep explode into the air as high as possible

6. Each jump is a rep. Do 25 reps in 3 sets.

After doing each of these best way to jump higher exercises always STRETCH and WARM DOWN. If you did not know your do not gain muscles while actually doing the exercise. Most muscle gain come during your rest days and cool down periods.

Best Way To Jump Higher - 3 Of The Best Exercises To Increase Your Vertical

Friday, July 27, 2012

3 Leg and Lower Body Exercises That Tone and Strengthen Without a Gym

3 Leg and Lower Body Exercises That Tone and Strengthen Without a Gym

Exercise #1 Push a car

3 Leg and Lower Body Exercises That Tone and Strengthen Without a Gym

3 Leg and Lower Body Exercises That Tone and Strengthen Without a Gym

3 Leg and Lower Body Exercises That Tone and Strengthen Without a Gym

3 Leg and Lower Body Exercises That Tone and Strengthen Without a Gym

3 Leg and Lower Body Exercises That Tone and Strengthen Without a Gym

It's simple, it's hard and it's like TNT for fat loss and leg strength. Simply bring your car in a parking lot and set it in neutral. Then you get behind and push while a buddy steers. Your goal is to push the thing a certain distance as Fast as you can. For more fun and results trade off with your buddy and time each other to see who can push it the same distance the Fastest.

Exercise #2 Jump lunges.

This one is my personal #1 butt and hip move. Simply start in a lunge position with both knees bent and you weight is 50/50 between the two legs. Now push off with both legs and jump in the Air. When you are in the Air switch your feet so the other foot is in front and land back in a lunge position. Repeat 10- 20 times.

Warning!!! This one is almost sure to produce some muscle soreness so if you are new to lunges be sure to do some normal step lunges for a week or two before graduating to the jump variety.

Exercise #3 Go up something

Nothing, and I mean nothing, will Supply a workout like hiking up a mountain or sprinting up a hill. Gravity is Mother Nature's best personal trainer and moving up a steep incline will force you to work your legs in a very effective manor as you work more against gravity every step of the way. If you are wondering, no, elevating a treadmill or elliptical is not the same. For you to gain the most from going up a hill you need to physically move forward. Simply elevating the belt on a treadmill or even using a stAir machine is not even close to the same thing. If you really want to focus on training your legs, you can go up the hill on a bike. Riding a bike up a long hill is like doing 500 reps on a weight machine in the gym. As an added bonus it burns calories really fast and can boost your metabolism substantially.

Be fit and live free,

Matt Schifferle

3 Leg and Lower Body Exercises That Tone and Strengthen Without a Gym

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Plyometric workouts are meant for increasing speed and flexibility of the performer. They are very useful in games that call for speed, kicking, sprinting, dribbling, and dunking among other activities. There are both plyometrics for upper body and lower body. In this article you will learn more about the best exercises for lower body. These are grouped into three in various training programs, including high, moderate and low intensity.

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

If you are just a beginner, the best workouts for you should be the low intensity ones to give your body enough time to adjust to the training. There are a number of activities involved and they include the following.

Jump to Box - You need a box that is not too high. Stand facing the box with your arms straight on the sides of your body. Keep the feet at a slightly wider distance than your hips. Gradually, lower your body into a half squatting position and then jump up over the box. Make yourself light as you land the feet on the box. Step back down and repeat the exercise.

Hop onto the box on your side - stand on your side (do not face the box) and keep your feet slightly wider than your hips. Lower your body into a half squatting position while ensure that the hands are on the sides. Jump on top of the box ensuring that you land softly. Step back on the floor and continue with the work out.

Squat and hop - Stand with your feet apart (maintain them at a shoulder width), flex your upper body a little bit while keeping your back straight. Flex your elbows at ninety degrees, and thighs should be parallel to the floor. Hop vertically and move your arms up into the Air immediately, and be sure to land on both feet quickly. Take a rest for a few seconds and repeat the procedure.

As soon as you have attained success with the beginner training, advance immediately to the moderate intensity lower body plyometrics.

Now you will do split squat jumps. They are easy to perform as explained briefly below.

a) Stand straight ensuring hip-feet width apart.
b) Step back with your left foot and forward with the right foot.
c) The feet and head should have the same spread out posture while your back should be straight.
d) Slowly flex your right hip and knee to a level where the thigh is corresponding to the floor.
e) Abruptly, jump as high as you can and while up in the Air, switch the position of the feet. So, you will now land with your left feet forward and right leg backward.
f) Repeat the exercise.

Another type of medium intensity exercise for lower body includes tuck jumps. They should be done in the following manner.

a) Keep your body straight and feet shoulder-width spaced out.
b) Bend your knees slightly, and keep arms at the sides.
c) Explode upwards bringing your knees as close to the chest as possible.
d) Step back to the floor on balls of your feet.
e) Repeat the exercise soon after.

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Sunday, July 8, 2012

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

In this article I am going to explain how to jump higher with plyometrics. Plyometrics are exercises that will increase your muscular power. Muscular power is something you need to develop because its what drives your body when you jump. Plyometrics are powerful exercises because you train with motions that are used in jumping. In a plyometric motion there is a load phase and a contraction phase. This is similar when you dunk - you take a few step to gain moMentum (load) and then you explode up off the ground (contraction). Therefore you can dramatically increase your vertical by using plyometrics.

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

There's a lot of great plyometric exercises that I've used but I'm going to describe one I've seen help so many people - split squat jumps. Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Take your right leg and step back about 2 feet - this will put your feet in a sTAGgered position. Lower your body until your left thigh is parallel with the ground. Explode upwards as high as you can. In the Air, switch you feet so they land in opposite positions from where they started. Shoot for about 10 reps per set for this exercise.

Important Things to Note:

Although they are extremely important in your vertical jump training, they should be used alongside strength training. Strength training is important because it develops your max strength (strength independent of time). Simply put, the stronger you are, the higher you can jump. Think of strength as the amount of horsepower your body has. The key thing to note is that although plyometrics and strength training should be used together - they should be used in the right combination depending on the individual. Some people will see more results if they train with a more strength based workout and others with a plyometric based workout - it all depends on the athletes body composition. If you're serious about seeing real gains in your vertical, find out what your body type is and develop your program around that.

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Advantages of Ceramic Hair Dryers

Advantages of Ceramic Hair Dryers

The hAir is one's crown of beauty and identity. No wonder than through the ages, people have invented, developed, and improved all kinds of ways, techniques, and products to beautify and maintain their hAir.

Advantages of Ceramic Hair Dryers

Advantages of Ceramic Hair Dryers

Advantages of Ceramic Hair Dryers

Advantages of Ceramic Hair Dryers

Advantages of Ceramic Hair Dryers

Style? You can, for example, choose Mohawks, undercuts, or bobCats. Color? You can select blond, black, or brown and even more unusual ones, such as, yellow or red. Setting products? There are an endless variety of waxes, oils, and other chemicals that can actually change hAir structure.

One of the more advanced developMents for hairstyling is the invention of electric hairstyling appliances. With these appliances, one can dry, curl, or straighten hair more easily, more conveniently, and more fun than having to go to a salon and spend a significant amount of money.

One of most common hairstyling appliances is the hair dryer. A hair dryer blows a jet of air that is heated by a set of nichrome wires. The hot air then assists in drying and styling one's hair.

There are many kinds of hair dryers in the market today. Aside from conventional dryers, there are new ones such as a ceramic hair dryer.

One of the more advanced types, a ceramic hair dryer works like a conventional one wherein a standard rope heater heats the periMeter of the airflow. But with the addition of a ceramic heater, this advanced type of dryer allows a more even distribution of heat. This even distribution help prevent hot spots and hair damage while using the Blower to dry or style one's hair.

The ceramic heater is also self-regulating, that is, it turns down when the surrounding temperature becomes too hot. Because the dryer automatically regulates the temperature, most of these types do not have multiple temperature controls although they do have a high and low setting.

It is also alleged that ceramic dryers help prevent bacteria formation, which results in a much healthier scalp. Using a ceramic dryer also helps the hair resist the effects of adverse weather conditions (e.g., extreme sunlight, rain, wind, and dust), helps create a radiant texture and surface on one's hair.

For woMen who regularly blow dry their hair, a ceramic dryer is probably their best choice. Here are some of the best hair dryers in the market today:

1. Chi Turbo Driver - This ceramic dryer uses high-grade ceramic coils. It is also famous in the market because of its low electromagnetic field, an unusual feature since dryers usually have considerably high levels of electromagnetism. It runs on 1500 watts of power, but despite being a little bit low in that aspect, it can compete favorably against higher powered ceramic hair dryers.

2. Twin Turbo Ceramic Ionic 3200 - With a TAG of 0, this dryer combines the effects of ceramic and negative-ion technology, allowing the heat inside the hair shaft to radiate without drying the shaft out. The dryer also features four temperature settings, cold-air switch, two speed settings, and an anti-overheating safety device.

3. Conair Ceramic Smooth - This very affordable ceramic dryer (only around ) has both a conventional and ceramic heater. It is a good travel companion since it can fold up and can run on either 110 or 220 volts. It is quite powerful for its small size; it runs at 1875 watts.

Advantages of Ceramic Hair Dryers

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Running Workouts for Advanced Runners

Running Workouts for Advanced Runners

Advanced runners perform workouts to improve a single or multiple aspects of their running such as speed, power and endurance. There are many running and sprinting workouts that help improve these aspects, and they can be learned easily, given that the runner devotes time and effort to master them.

Running Workouts for Advanced Runners

Running Workouts for Advanced Runners

Running Workouts for Advanced Runners

Running Workouts for Advanced Runners

Running Workouts for Advanced Runners

1- Running to increase speed:

A lot of runners would want to improve their speed, especially those who want to join races and marathons. If you want to improve your running speed, you need to improve the time of your steps. Plyometrics exercises are unique workout exercises that use quick and powerful moveMents to increase the speed of your muscle contractions. You can use plyometrics to improve your overall running speed. Plyometrics are hard exercises, which must only be performed by advanced or experienced runners. They can bring serious pain or injury to anyone who tries them without much experience.

· Double leg box jumps- Stand upright on a box or a bench. Drop yourself off the box with both feet and immediately jump forward and then upward after dropping off the box. Repeat this step for about 10 times for each set. Remember to drop and not to jump off the box.

· Truck jumps- Stand upright on a flat or cushioned surface, with your feet about a shoulder's width apart. Jump straight up and bring your knees up towards your knees and your heels up under your hamstrings. Keep your back straight, and allow your arms to swing by your sides for balance. Do this repeatedly for about 10 times for each set.

· Scissor kicks- Begin in a standing position and place one foot on an elevated surface in front of you. The elevated surface should be about 20 inches. With your other foot flat on the ground, push with your raised foot and spring into the Air, switch your leg positions, and land on your previously raised foot on flat ground, and your back foot raised.

2- Running to build endurance:

People who want to build their running endurance usually do so in order to run long distances without getting too Tired or injured. There are also several exercises you can do to improve your running endurance.

· Plyometrics- Plyometrics workout exercises like truck jumps, scissor kicks and lunge jumps improve your overall running endurance by strengthening your leg muscles. Once your leg muscles are able to contract Faster and are much stronger, your legs would be able to withstand running long distances as well.

· Long running - Running long distances repeatedly would train your muscles and make them grow stronger. Increase your running distance 2-3 times every week and your overall running endurance should greatly improve.

3- Running to increase power

Improving running power also allows the runner to run Faster and longer. With enough running power, a runner should be able to finish a race with a short time. Truck jumps, box jumps and other plyometrics workouts can also be used to improve your running power.

· Lunge jumps- Begin in upright position with one knee bent and in forward position and the other leg, also bent on the knee but in resting on the ground behind your body. Lower your body for about 10 inches and jump forcibly into the Air using your front leg and land in the same starting position.

Running Workouts for Advanced Runners

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Operating Vehicles Is Convenient When Using a PTO Air Compressor

Operating Vehicles Is Convenient When Using a PTO Air Compressor

The PTO in Air compressor terminology means "power take-off". This type of unit allows constant availability of Air. If there is a PTO compressing unit on a vehicle, when the vehicle's engine is running, the PTO Air compressor will also be running. This is convenient for people who do not wish to tow a portable Air compressor around. The PTO drive is powered by the vehicle's engine.These systems become a part of your vehicle and offer many advanTAGes not available with conventional type air compressors.

Operating Vehicles Is Convenient When Using a PTO Air Compressor

Operating Vehicles Is Convenient When Using a PTO Air Compressor

Operating Vehicles Is Convenient When Using a PTO Air Compressor

Operating Vehicles Is Convenient When Using a PTO Air Compressor

Operating Vehicles Is Convenient When Using a PTO Air Compressor

PTO drives are popular with tractor owners. LeRoi engines operate nicely with PTO drives as well as John Deere and other models.Most are a twin cylinder compressor and have an adjustable safety valve and an incorporated manoMeter to adjust pressure. Air locks on a PTO air compressor provide a constant and continuous flow of compressed air.Most come equipped with connectors, inflation head, spiral hose, absorber with key and anchor chains. Installing and maintenance takes working knowledge of the application and the vehicle where it is being installed. Professional installation should be considered if you are unsure of the process. Check for reasonable quotes and installation will be cheaper if you have the equipMent purchased.

Systems are available in many sizes and models. Deciding on the amount of cfm and psi that will be necessary is an important part of choosing the correct PTO air compressor. Jobs requiring light utility work will require less cfm and psi than construction and sand blasting Jobs. Many Supply cfm capacities in the range of15 to 1,000 cfm. Operating pressures for most range from 100 to 205 psi. Take into account where you will be mounting the PTO. Several units are engineered to be mounted under truck decks. This leaves the truck bed open for hauling other materials and the towing hitch of the truck is still accessible as well. Typically, a PTO will have an electrical control module underneath the hood of the truck or tractor. There will usually be an operating switch installed in the cab for easy access to turning on and off the PTO drive. This makes operation easy and convenient.

Operating Vehicles Is Convenient When Using a PTO Air Compressor

Monday, January 23, 2012

Best Workout To Jump Higher - Best Exercises To Take Your Hops To The Next Level

Best Workout To Jump Higher - Best Exercises To Take Your Hops To The Next Level

Searching for the best workout to jump higher?

Best Workout To Jump Higher - Best Exercises To Take Your Hops To The Next Level

Best Workout To Jump Higher - Best Exercises To Take Your Hops To The Next Level

Best Workout To Jump Higher - Best Exercises To Take Your Hops To The Next Level

Best Workout To Jump Higher - Best Exercises To Take Your Hops To The Next Level

Best Workout To Jump Higher - Best Exercises To Take Your Hops To The Next Level

There are many exercises that can be done to increase your vertical leap. Some or more effective some or less effective.

The more effective exercises will have you jumping out of the gym.

Do you play basketball?

  • If you are on your high school basketball team and you follow the exercises that I am about to share with you. Be ready to be all over the sports page of your schools website and the local news papers. Also you can expect to get the attention of college scouts. Because the exercises are just that effective for increasing your vertical leap. Your jumping ability will increase that much.
  • Same thing for college players; if you are looking ways to better your game and get the national attention of some N.B.A teams or top plays on Sportcenter. Start with the exercises contained in this article.

Even if you are a playground baller and just want to dominate the playground game, this is the best workout to jump higher.

Okay enough talking, lets get to the exercises for the best workout to jump higher.

Remember to always stretch and warm up before doing any of the following exercises.

The best way that I have found to warm up is jumping rope for 3 to 5 minutes.

Exercise 1

Step Ups - steps ups are the 1st exercise in the best workout to jump higher and will develop and work the muscles need to give you the explosive jumping power that you need for jumping off of 1 leg. Not everyone jumps the same.

  • You are going to need a chAir bench or stool for this exercise(anything you can put 1 leg on and it has to be sturdy enough to withstand the force of you thrusting yourself into the Air off 1 leg.
  • Place your right leg on the chAir or bench and thrust yourself as high into the air as possible and as explosively as possible
  • While in mid air switch legs so that the leg that was resting on the ground is not the leg on the chair
  • After you land thrust yourself back into the air with your left leg and do the same switch mid air again landing with your right leg on the chair.
  • After each leg is done this is 1 rep, do 25 reps in 3 sets

Exercise 2

Burnouts - are the 2nd exercise in the best workout to jump higher and they focus on developing and strengthening your upper calf muscle, working and training your upper calf muscle help to develop explosive leaping ability that you need when playing basketball.

  • Stand tall in a athletic position with your arms at your side
  • Raise up on the tips of your toes
  • Using only your tip toes, jump 3 to 4 inches in the air and keep it continuous
  • Each jump is 1 rep, do 25 reps in 3 sets

Exercise 3

Squat Hops - are the 3rd exercise in the best workout to jump higher and they help to increase your vertical when jumping off of 2 legs to perform the monster dunks that you will soon be doing.

  • With your back straight and legs shoulder width apart, lower yourself into a low squat position
  • Raise up on your tips toes as high as possible
  • Jump 3 to 4 inches in the air while staying in your low squat position
  • On the last rep of your set explode into the air as high as possible(this last hop is very important so do not forget to do it
  • Each hop is 1 rep, do 25 reps in 3 sets


  • Do each exercises in the correct manner and proper form(5 reps done correctly is more effective than 20 incorrect reps)
  • Also to do each exercise in the best workout to jump higher as explosively as possible(your body needs to know that you are trying to get higher)

Best Workout To Jump Higher - Best Exercises To Take Your Hops To The Next Level

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Garbage Disposal Guide - How To Select The Right One

Garbage Disposal Guide - How To Select The Right One

While a garbage disposal may not be the star fixture in your kitchen, such as a large, stainless steel refrigerator, it just might be its unsung hero. Disposals provide a great deal of convenience when cleaning up after a meal, and if you have ever cleaned up in a kitchen that doesn't have one, you probably noticed its absence. Garbage disposals will also help to keep your kitchen and garbage areas from smelling bad by immediately disposing of Food wastes. Putting less garbage into plastic garbage bags can also help reduce the amount of non-biodegradable plastic we are sending to landfills. Food waste that is run through a garbage disposal and sent to a waste water treatMent facility doesn't necessarily go to waste. Most waste water treatMent plants will either convert Food waste into energy or fertilizer, which is considerably better than being sent to a landfill.

Garbage Disposal Guide - How To Select The Right One

Garbage Disposal Guide - How To Select The Right One

Garbage Disposal Guide - How To Select The Right One

Garbage Disposal Guide - How To Select The Right One

Garbage Disposal Guide - How To Select The Right One

Types of Garbage Disposals

There are two basic types of disposals to choose from. The most popular type is a continuous-feed garbage disposal. This is the type of disposal that we are all used to, it turns on when you flip a switch and you feed waste into it until you are finished, and then you turn it off.

The second type is called a batch-feed garbage disposal. This type offers an additional level of safety as it will only operate when a cover is placed over the disposal flange and is then turned to activate the garbage disposal. The primary benefit of this disposal type is that it will prevent people from putting their hands into the unit while it is activated, and also keeps small objects such as silverware from falling into the garbage disposal while it is running.

The disadvanTAGes to batch-feed disposals are that only a small amount of waste can be fed into it at a time, so if you have a moderate amount of food waste to dispose of, it may take several batches to get rid of it all. The other issue is that it will only work with the manufacturer-issued cover, so if it becomes lost or damaged you will have to replace it before being able to use your disposal again.


A major consideration when selecting a disposal is how much horsepower to get. To help you make this decision, you will want to consider your expected usage and family size. If you are a single individual and will only be grinding up carrot peels, you can get away with a smaller horsepower disposal. If you have a large family and expect to feed all sorts of food wastes into your disposal, you will want to opt for a higher horsepower rating.

You will typically have 3 choices for a residential garbage disposal: ½ horsepower, ¾ horsepower, and 1 horsepower. One-half horsepower is becoming harder to find and given the reasonable price of a decent ¾ horsepower disposal, is not recomMended.

Most people will want to purchase a ¾ horsepower disposal. It provides plenty of power for an average size family, and you can safely put a moderate amount of food waste through it. If you have a large family or expect to use your garbage disposal frequently, you will probably want to get a 1 horsepower disposal.

Additional Considerations

There are a couple of other issues to consider when purchasing a garbage disposal. It is recommended that you purchase a disposal from a manufacturer with a reputation for quality and reliability. Ease of installation is a big consideration if you will be installing your garbage disposal yourself. Most new garbage disposals from reputable manufacturers will be relatively easy to install. If you are not comfortable with doing some basic plumbing and installation work, it is recommended you hire a professional to perform your installation.

A major consideration will also be noise level. Unless you like yelling while using your garbage disposal you will want to look for a brand of disposal that includes some sort of built-in noise reducing technology. Many newer disposals will also feature vibration-reducing technology as well.

One item people take for granted when purchasing a new garbage disposal is the switch you will use for a continuous-feed garbage disposal. We are all used to the typical light switch on the wall, but now you can purchase an "Air switch" which can be installed on the countertop and is safe in a wet environment as it is not electrified.

The last thing to consider will be the color of your disposal flange. The disposal flange is the drain opening in your sink basin that you put your food waste into, or the large hole that everyone is afraid to put their hand into. Most new garbage disposals will come with a chrome colored disposal flange, but if you are outfitting your kitchen with fixtures (such as your kitchen sink faucet) in a different finish, for example oil rubbed bronze or brushed nickel, you may want to consider buying a disposal flange in that particular finish as well.

Garbage Disposal Guide - How To Select The Right One