Mr. Scrappy Dual Outlet Air Switch-Disposer

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Plyometric workouts are meant for increasing speed and flexibility of the performer. They are very useful in games that call for speed, kicking, sprinting, dribbling, and dunking among other activities. There are both plyometrics for upper body and lower body. In this article you will learn more about the best exercises for lower body. These are grouped into three in various training programs, including high, moderate and low intensity.

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

If you are just a beginner, the best workouts for you should be the low intensity ones to give your body enough time to adjust to the training. There are a number of activities involved and they include the following.

Jump to Box - You need a box that is not too high. Stand facing the box with your arms straight on the sides of your body. Keep the feet at a slightly wider distance than your hips. Gradually, lower your body into a half squatting position and then jump up over the box. Make yourself light as you land the feet on the box. Step back down and repeat the exercise.

Hop onto the box on your side - stand on your side (do not face the box) and keep your feet slightly wider than your hips. Lower your body into a half squatting position while ensure that the hands are on the sides. Jump on top of the box ensuring that you land softly. Step back on the floor and continue with the work out.

Squat and hop - Stand with your feet apart (maintain them at a shoulder width), flex your upper body a little bit while keeping your back straight. Flex your elbows at ninety degrees, and thighs should be parallel to the floor. Hop vertically and move your arms up into the Air immediately, and be sure to land on both feet quickly. Take a rest for a few seconds and repeat the procedure.

As soon as you have attained success with the beginner training, advance immediately to the moderate intensity lower body plyometrics.

Now you will do split squat jumps. They are easy to perform as explained briefly below.

a) Stand straight ensuring hip-feet width apart.
b) Step back with your left foot and forward with the right foot.
c) The feet and head should have the same spread out posture while your back should be straight.
d) Slowly flex your right hip and knee to a level where the thigh is corresponding to the floor.
e) Abruptly, jump as high as you can and while up in the Air, switch the position of the feet. So, you will now land with your left feet forward and right leg backward.
f) Repeat the exercise.

Another type of medium intensity exercise for lower body includes tuck jumps. They should be done in the following manner.

a) Keep your body straight and feet shoulder-width spaced out.
b) Bend your knees slightly, and keep arms at the sides.
c) Explode upwards bringing your knees as close to the chest as possible.
d) Step back to the floor on balls of your feet.
e) Repeat the exercise soon after.

Plyometric Workouts - Good Examples For Your Lower Body

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