Mr. Scrappy Dual Outlet Air Switch-Disposer

Sunday, July 8, 2012

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

In this article I am going to explain how to jump higher with plyometrics. Plyometrics are exercises that will increase your muscular power. Muscular power is something you need to develop because its what drives your body when you jump. Plyometrics are powerful exercises because you train with motions that are used in jumping. In a plyometric motion there is a load phase and a contraction phase. This is similar when you dunk - you take a few step to gain moMentum (load) and then you explode up off the ground (contraction). Therefore you can dramatically increase your vertical by using plyometrics.

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

There's a lot of great plyometric exercises that I've used but I'm going to describe one I've seen help so many people - split squat jumps. Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Take your right leg and step back about 2 feet - this will put your feet in a sTAGgered position. Lower your body until your left thigh is parallel with the ground. Explode upwards as high as you can. In the Air, switch you feet so they land in opposite positions from where they started. Shoot for about 10 reps per set for this exercise.

Important Things to Note:

Although they are extremely important in your vertical jump training, they should be used alongside strength training. Strength training is important because it develops your max strength (strength independent of time). Simply put, the stronger you are, the higher you can jump. Think of strength as the amount of horsepower your body has. The key thing to note is that although plyometrics and strength training should be used together - they should be used in the right combination depending on the individual. Some people will see more results if they train with a more strength based workout and others with a plyometric based workout - it all depends on the athletes body composition. If you're serious about seeing real gains in your vertical, find out what your body type is and develop your program around that.

How to Jump Higher With Plyometrics - Yes You!

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