Mr. Scrappy Dual Outlet Air Switch-Disposer

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Best Exercises To Jump Higher - Gain An Inch A Week On Your Hops With These Exercises

Best Exercises To Jump Higher - Gain An Inch A Week On Your Hops With These Exercises

Searching for the best exercises to jump higher?

Well I want to share with you some of the best exercises to jump higher that will help you to gain inches on your vertical as soon as possible. The sooner you start training, the sooner you can start seeing gains on your vertical in less than a week.

Now you are going to have to actually do the exercises, just reading this article will not help you to increase your vertical.

The following exercises to increase vertical will build up the muscles that you use the most for jumping. They also target a different aspect of jumping which is called vertical explosion. Vertical explosion is calculated by your strength, quickness, and the Fast twitch muscles in your legs. You may not understand these terms right now but trust me they are all very important when it comes to how high you can jump off of the ground.

No matter what your goals are:

  • If you are a playground baller looking to dominate the playground with a massive vertical.
  • If you are on your high school team, or trying to make your high school team and want to increase your vertical to attract the attention of college scouts.
  • If you are in college and trying to improve your game with the dreams of someday going to play in the N.B.A or overseas.

Okay, enough talking lets get down to the best exercises to jump higher.

The best exercises to jump higher should be completed on:

Monday - Wednesday - Friday/ Tuesday - Thursday is a rest day and light basketball.

Remember before doing these exercises or any workout always STRETCH and WARM UP.

  • Doing these exercises in the proper form is critical. 5 correct form exercises are more effective than 20 incorrect form exercises.
  • Do each exercise as explosive as possible, your body needs to know that you are trying to get higher.


This is the first of the best exercises to jump higher and it focuses on developing your calf muscle, particularly the upper section of your calf muscle to give you explosive gains on your leap.

  • Stand with your arms at your sides and with your feet shoulder width apart.
  • Raise up onto your tip toes as high as possible, enough to feel your calf muscle being worked.
  • Hop 3 to 4 inches in the Air
  • After landing hop right back up keeping it continuous, after about 6 or 7 jumps you should know why this exercise is called burnouts(in other words you should really feel your calves being worked)
  • Each jump is 1 rep, do 25 reps in 3 sets


This is the 2nd of the best exercises to jump higher. Step ups focus on developing the jumping power that you use to jump off of 1 leg.

  • You are going to need a sturdy chAir, bench, or anything you can thrust yourself up into the Air with the force of 1 leg as high as possible.
  • Stand in front of the chAir, bench, or stool with your right leg placed on it. Your right leg should be almost at a 90 degree angle and your left leg should be resting on the ground.
  • Thrust yourself up into the air using only your right leg as high as possible.
  • In mid air switch legs and land with your left leg on the chair and right leg landing on the ground.
  • Do the same with your left leg as you did with your right leg.
  • After each leg is done that is 1 rep, do 25 reps in 3 sets


Squat Hops are the last of the best exercises to jump higher. This exercise will focus on developing and working the muscles that you use to jump off of 2 legs and perform those monster 2 handed dunks that you will doing very soon.

  • Get into a low squat position while keeping your back straight.
  • While in the low squat position raise up onto your tip toes as if you are almost sitting down.
  • Jump 3 to 4 inches in the air and keep it continuous after.
  • Each jump is 1 rep, do 25 reps in 3 sets.

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