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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Plyometrics Exercises - 4 Basic Drills

Adequate instruction on proper technique is necessary before getting started on plyometrics. The correct performance of the exercises normally increases the likelihood of developing explosiveness and decreases the risks for injury.

Here are 4 basic drills to learn on plyometrics:


1) Squat Jumps

Plyometrics Exercises - 4 Basic Drills

For the initial position, you need to stand with both feet apart about the same distance as your shoulder width. Look straight ahead and maintain a straight back. Then bend your knees and place your body into a squat stance. It should seem as if you were sitting on a chAir.

Stay in the squat stance for a while and then lift your body up into a jump, making sure that both of your feet leave the floor at the same instance. You may also toss your hands up in the Air as you perform the jump.

2) Bench Throw

Lie down on the floor or on a bench and carry a weighted medicine ball. Make sure that the ball is positioned close to your chest, as if you were about to perform a chest press.

Next, push the medicine ball upwards, away from you. The moveMent can be likened to a regular chest press. However, you should perform the throw in a thrusting manner with just enough force to allow the ball to depart with your hands for a few inches. Then catch it as it comes down and return to your initial position to perform the exercise again.

3) Jumping Lunges

Begin a standing position with both of your feet at shoulder-width apart. Look straight ahead while maintaining your back in a straight position. Then step out using your right leg and bend at the knee. Bring your body down while making sure that your right thigh is parallel to the ground.

Starting at the lunge position, propel yourself upwards and into a jump. While you're still up in the air, switch legs to land with the opposite leg forward and back in the lunge stance. Repeat the routine and switch legs every time.

4) Plyo Push-up

To start the routine, lie yourself face down on the floor. Position your hands under your shoulder blades. Be sure to establish stability by placing the balls of your feet on the floor. Your aim is to put your body in the push-up position.

When you push yourself up, make sure you do it with just enough force to propel your upper body upwards so that your hands depart with the floor. As your hands resume contact with the ground, bring down your body into the push-up stance. Repeat the routine as necessary.

Plyometrics Exercises - 4 Basic Drills

Those were the basic plyometrics drills you can incorporate into your usual training regimen. They are deemed to be great exercises for any athlete who wishes to develop speed and strength for his sport of choice. Find out more tips about plyometrics training at